Thursday 8 January 2015

72.  Anarchy In The UK. Sex Pistols. 1976.
1976 will be remembered by most Brits as being the summer when the sun shone for weeks on end, recording temperatures higher than our Continental neighbours and swarms of ladybirds that actually attacked.
In London Malcolm McClaren aided by fashion designer friend Vivien Westwood were putting together a band that could model the clothes of their emporium 'Sex', which sold bondage inspired clothing, all straps and zips.
A band was put together behind their protogé John Lydon, renamed Johnny Rotten and a recording date set. The resulting record, 'Anarchy In The UK' was the very record that the nation's youth needed to break the lethargy of the long hot summer and kick the asses of the college band leftovers of the hippy era. For a while it was considered so uncool to play a lengthy guitar solo and the bands that were the big sellers, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, Yes and Fleetwood Mac, were all judged passé by the young punk audience. It didn't last and all the old dinosaur bands re-established themselves in the late 80s and continue to sell out arenas to this day.
However, 'Anarchy In The UK' still hits the spot even if we never quite followed Johnny's call to 'Destroooooooy'.

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