Monday 29 December 2014

64. Raw Power. Iggy Pop & The Stooges. 1973.
An ever present time bomb strapped to the complacent torso of rock and roll. 'Raw Power' is an album that keeps on influencing generations of rock bands. Every other year, a band arrives on the scene looking to take no prisoners as did Iggy & The Stooges in 1973.
Iggy Pop had disbanded the original Stooges and was looking for a new direction, when in stepped David Bowie, hot from the success of 'Ziggy Stardust', who took Iggy into the studio with a revamped Stooges, to lay down some of the most influential music of the rock genre. For contractual reasons Bowie went uncredited but the record contains some of the rawest rock n roll ever recorded. 'Raw Power' was the heaviest of heavy metal and the punkiest of punk three years before punk was born. The Sex Pistols recorded versions of earlier songs such as 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' and 'No Fun' inspired by the wild, bestial Iggy Pop. Heavy metal as we now know it was born with bands like Metallica producing their own versions of the industrial strength noise that is 'Raw Power'. 'Raw Power' is an album that will continue to influence as long as young men take up guitars and form bands.

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